2025 Beer Lineup

New Year, new beer lineup! We are thrilled to share with you the next generation of Alter cans that will be dominating retail shelves and coolers throughout the Chicagoland area. I spent some quality time with the designs, tweaking the layouts and adding some flashy personality to each of them.

Our core lineup maintains its colossal foundation of awesomeness with Hopular Kid pale ale, Alterado Mexican-style lager, and Ambigram hazy IPA — three of our best selling brews. We’re adding Day Sipper, a German-style pilsner to that lineup, which some might consider excessive move. I mean, how much great beer can you have on one beer shelf? But wait, there’s more. What we’re most excited about is the next evolution of Rally Point. Not only have I redesigned the can to align with our partner Invisible Wounds, but we’ve also tweaked the recipe for a more beautifully balanced IPA experience.

Seasonally, THREE out of the four beers are new to stores. Midnight Mariachi dark Mexican-style lager is first up, followed by fan-favorite Cukezilla vs. Lime Kong cucumber and lime kolsch, annual all-star Festbier German-style Oktoberfest lager, and finished off by a s’mores-inspired variant of our oatmeal stout, S’mores Wedda.

Cheers to a great year of many beers!

If you’re a retailer and want to add a little more kick-assery to your shop shelves, head over to our distributor resources page and reach out!