Day 39 of quarantine. We’re still here. But you aren’t. We miss you so very much! Before we dive into what’s happening at the brewery, I want say that we are all pulling for you and your families. When it is all said and done, we will all be more grateful for what we have. Go us.
Yes! We are indeed brewing. Maybe not at the normal clip as we usually would, but for the most part everything is relatively normal. We are canning a ton! Pretty much everything. Normally half of every batch goes into kegs for restaurants, bars, etc. The other half is canned for liquor stores, grocery stores and your refrigerator. As you may expect, we don’t really have restaurants and bars at the moment. So canning it is. This means long days for guys like our brewer/canning wiz Alfred, who has probably canned more this month than we normally would in four months.
For the most part, we are focusing on Hopular Kid, Alterioir Motive, Center Line, and Hell Hazed Over. We want to make sure those guys are in the mix first. This means one-off’s have taken a slight decline, but they will be back soon. Heavy Squeeze and Bleacher Seat are back up and running, so enjoy those little nuggets as the weather warms up. We are really big on Heavy Squeeze, so I think you can count on it being around for a while.
WE DO, however, have some very fun things to look forward to because of what we brewed before the world dumpster fire. These following beers would normally be draft only but have since been switched to cans. We can pretty much everything now, remember?
Orange Hwip – 7% ABV – Orange Milkshake IPA. We add real blood orange, legit vanilla, and Sultana hops to give it as much flavor and aroma as possible. It’s like Play the Hits from last year, but less boozy and orange instead of guava.
Catchin’ Rays IPA – 4.2% ABV – Low Calorie IPA. We wanted to make something that you can drink anywhere and anytime. Pilsner malt goes into the grist, and Cascade hops are used in both hot-side and dryhopping. This gives the beer some citrus qualities as well as a minty nose when you dig around a little bit.
King Balaton – 5.1% Cherry Wheat. This beer really needs no introduction as it has been a mainstay for quite some time. Just not usually in cans. Here’s all you need to know…its got a ton of cherries in it and tastes fabulous.
I think that’s about it. Keep drinking local, and come in while we are open to grab some to-go’s for you and your family. We are happy to keep brewing beer, and wish all of our other brewery friends all the luck in the world while we weather this storm. See you in the taproom when this is all over. It will be over.
Matt & the brew team